Bournemouth Freemasons present Clare Cosgrove from Hope for Tomorrow with a cheque for £1,250 from Mike Norman (Bournemouth Mark Lodge) and Robert Sinclair (Unity Mark Lodge).
Info from their website:
Founded in 2003 Hope for Tomorrow aims to alleviate some of the stresses and strains associated with receiving treatment for Cancer via the provision of Mobile Chemotherapy Units to NHS Trusts
In 2007 the Charity launched the world’s first Mobile Chemotherapy Unit in a unique partnership with the NHS. Owned and maintained by the charity, and operated by highly trained NHS staff, these well-equipped Units allow cancer patients to receive treatment in a restful environment closer to home, saving stressful long distance travel and minimising waiting times.
Mobile Chemotherapy Units can travel five days a week throughout their counties of operation to five locations. These Units have the capacity to treat between 18 to 20 patients a day.
Currently four Mobile Chemotherapy Units, and five Nurses Support Vehicles are operating in Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire, Hampshire and into Dorset, and we plan to launch Units five and six during 2013, our 10th Anniversary Year.